+86 400 041 7515

海外经销商:+852 5804 4670

周一至周五:9:00 - 18:00


2/2 Venezia Street, Woree, Queensland, Australia

澳大利亚昆士兰Woree的多单元,2/2 Venezia Street,编号73092831 澳大利亚昆士兰Woree的多单元,2/2 Venezia Street,编号73092831 澳大利亚昆士兰Woree的多单元,2/2 Venezia Street,编号73092831

AUD 2,383 / 月

澳元汇率 VS 置业

约¥ 11,388 / 月

房型: 4 卧 1 卫




Ray White Cairns South offers a 12 month lease on this unfurnished duplex. Located conveniently close, even walking distance, from Stockland Shopping Village, and a quick 5 minute drive to nearby schools. The duplex has been recently painted inside and out, with renovations creating a 4th bedroom with direct access via the carport, perfect for an older teen or adult.

Please apply online by clicking https://2apply.com.au/agency/RWCairnsSouth
Register your interest online to be automatically notified when inspections are next available.

- If there are no suitable advertised viewing times, please phone 07 4045 9700 to enquire
- 4 Bedroom, all with air conditioning and free-standing wardrobes
- Shared main bathroom with shower and single vanity, and free-standing shelving and drawers
- Kitchen: Electric cooktop/oven, dual sinks, storage cupboards / cabinets
- Internal laundry
- Large backyard
- Tandem-style parking up to 3 cars
- Fully tiled
- Fully air conditioned
- All garden and lawn maintenance included in rental price
- NOT suited to pets, not fenced to the front

*Tenant is responsible for electricity, phone/internet and water costs*
*Please note it is the tenant's responsibility to maintain the following: smoke alarms to be dust-free, cleaning of air conditioner filters, other general cleaning duties required by tenants outlined in a lease agreement*
*Tenants responsible for power, internet, and other subscription services*
*Please be aware that smoking is not permitted inside the property*

Ray White and its officers, employees or consultants ("we, us") make no representation, warranty or guarantee, that the Information, is complete, accurate or balanced. Some information has been obtained from third parties and has not been independently verified. Accordingly, no warranty, representation or undertaking, whether express or implied, is made and no responsibility is accepted by us, as to the accuracy of any part of this, or any further Information supplied by or on our behalf.
You should satisfy yourself as to the accuracy and completeness of the Information through your own inspections, surveys, enquiries, and searches by your own independent consultants, and we recommend that you obtain independent legal, financial and taxation advice. This includes as to whether any listing price is inclusive or exclusive of GST.
© Property Data Solutions Pty Ltd 2017. The information recorded in this document is provided on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the information and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information. No liability (in contract, tort or otherwise) will be accepted for any loss or damage incurred as a result of reliance upon any material contained in this publication, or for any information or advice provided in this publication or incorporated into it.
© The State of Queensland (Dept. of Natural Resources and Mines) September 2017. Based on data provided with the permission of the Dept. of Natural Resources and Mines: (QVAS) September 2017. The Dept. of Natural Resources and Mines makes no representations or warranties about accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability of the data for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a result of the data being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.


澳大利亚昆士兰Woree的多单元,2/2 Venezia Street,编号73092831 澳大利亚昆士兰Woree的多单元,2/2 Venezia Street,编号73092831 澳大利亚昆士兰Woree的多单元,2/2 Venezia Street,编号73092831



代理公司: Ray White Australia
支持语言: 普通话 英语
服务代表: Ray White Australia


印花税Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) 房价的1.2%-12.5%(各州税率不一,见底部各州最新印花税税率)
律师费 1000-2000澳元
中介费 1-2%(购买新房不需支付)
房屋保险 约600澳元
市政费 约为房价0.5%
  • 200-400澳元
  • 所有外国买家在澳洲买房时,需支付申请手续费,100万澳元内的房产,需支付14,100澳元;房价每增加100万澳元,手续费将增加 28,200澳元。
贷款额度 当前外国买家的房贷比例通常为60-70%。
贷款利率 分为浮动利率和固定利率两种,一般固定利率要比浮动利率更高一些。当前澳洲常见的房贷利率为5-5.5%
还款方式 等额本息/等额本金/还息不还本(澳洲独有还款方式)
贷款年限 3-30年
贷款保险 如果你申请的房贷比例过高时,需为超过部分支付不菲的抵押保险。
贷款申请及保险 1000-2000澳元
法律费用 视贷款机构而定,可免除
贷款保护保险 与贷款额度及按揭产品有关
市政建设费 1000-2000澳元(各州标准不一,根据房屋面积而定)
物业管理费 依据面积而定,500-5000不等,独立屋无此费用
污水处理费 200-1200澳元/年,根据房屋面积而定
房屋保险 500—1000澳元/年不等
房屋出租管理费 5%-7%的租金收入
资本利得税Capital Gain Tax 利得*税率(税率一般为25%-30%,与房产用途、持有人身份/时间/机构、受益对象有关)
律师费 一般1000-1500澳元
中介费(Estate Agent Fee) 成交价格的1%-3.5%

居外服务热线 400-041-7515

+852 5804 4670

周一至周五 9:00 - 18:00

居外微信服务号 居外微信服务号