Orson offers a harmonious blend of contemporary design and natural beauty. Orson provides an excellent opportunity to own a luxurious home in the coveted Wolf Willow neighbourhood. Comprising three magnificent buildings, the development offers 287 units, providing ample options to suit various lifestyles & preferences. With unit sizes ranging from 470 to 900 sqft., Orson presents a diverse selection of thoughtfully designed living spaces.
Wolf Willow embraces the Bow River Valley's natural beauty and diverse ecosystems, offering endless possibilities for exploration and adventure. With contemporary design, ample amenities, and a solid connection to the river, residents can enjoy a seamless lifestyle that merges modern comforts with scenic surroundings.
The nearby Fish Creek Provincial Park provides over 80 kilometres of trails, abundant wildlife, and various recreational activities, including the historic Bow Valley Ranche House and the Sikome Lake Aquatic Facility. Whether you seek tranquillity in nature or thrilling experiences on the water, Wolf Willow presents a gateway to immersing yourself in the captivating wonders of the Bow River Valley.
*以上信息为澳洲各州平均情况,了解更多贷款详情可咨询 400-041-7515
代理公司: | Juwai IQI |
服务代表: |
交易费用 | |
律师费 | 约1500-3000加元 |
物业转让税Property Transfer Tax | 前20万缴纳1%;超过20万以上,余额的2%的 |
商品购置消费税(联邦税) | 5%(新房才需要支付) |
产权证书费用 | 约1000-2000加元 |
房屋检查费 | 300-500加元 |
贷款费用 | |
首付比例 | 5%以上,国外买家通常在30%以上 |
贷款利率 | 有固定利率、浮动利率、半固定半浮动和LOC房贷(HELOC)产品,每个种类利率不同 |
贷款年限 | 目前大部分的主流银行的总还贷期在5年至35年相关税费 |
房屋保险及家庭财产保险 | 约为房价的0.1%-0.2% |
房屋估价费 | 150-300加元 |
抵押贷款保险费 | 首付低于20%,约为0.75%-3.75% |
持有费用 | |
物业税/土地税Property/Land Tax | 约1%,根据不同物业政府估价价值不同收取费用不同(多伦多0.8%-1%,温哥华0.5%-0.6%) |
物业管理费 | $0.42-$0.6/平方尺(新房较低,旧房贵,独立屋无此项费用) |
出租管理费用 | |
房屋出租管理费 | 月费用100-400加元,与物业类型和面积有关 |
个人所得税 | 各州不同,房租计入年收入计税,税率为15%-29% |
转让费用 | |
资本利得税 | 增值部分的50%,但首套自住房豁免。非加拿大居民预缴房价预估价的25%税金 |
律师费 | 800—1300加元,依房屋种类与市场不同,收费有所不同 |
中介费 | 约成交额的2%-2.5% |
备注 | |
更详尽的加拿大房贷介绍:海外买家如何在加拿大办理买房贷款 |