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周一至周五:9:00 - 18:00


Linnusitamaa, Abruka, Saaremaa Vald, Saare Maakond, Estonia

爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512
房屋价格: 咨询房产价格
土地面积: 48000平方米




Linnusaare or Linnusitamaa or Linnusitasaar is a small island near the coast of Saaremaa in Kaarma Parish, 300 meters south of Abruka Island, with an area of 4.8 hectares.

The interesting name of the island dates back to the 16th century, when sailors of the time saw large piles of fortresses on the rocks as they walked along the coast. After that, the place was mockingly called Linnusitamaa, and later the name was made official. Today, the name of the property is still just Linnusaare.

The whole of Linnusaare remains in the construction prohibition zone and on the basis of § 38 (3) of the Estonian Nature Conservation Act the construction of new buildings and structures in the beach-construction-prohibition-zone is prohibited, except for erecting non-production buildings for the protection area and maintenance of existing buildings.

The writer Jüri Tuulik, born on the island of Abruka, has published the novel “Linnusita” in 2004, which has also brought the island a lot of fame.

However internationally, the island has gained worldwide fame thanks to the New York Times, which wrote about Russian revolution on January 18, 1906: "Following the example of their brothers on the mainland, the peasantry of even the tiniest islands in the Baltic have instituted independent republics. One of these, on the islet of Linnusitt, probably the smallest State it the world, already boasts of a revolution and a second President, the citizens having risen and overthrown the first President.”

This proudly named private island is looking for a new owner or even a "president".


  • 房产总价:
  • 参考首付
  • 贷款金额
  • 支付利息:111万(利率4.8%)





*以上信息为澳洲各州平均情况,了解更多贷款详情可咨询 400-041-7515


爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512 爱沙尼亚Saare maakondSaaremaa vald的住宅用地,Linnusitamaa,编号55361512




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