这处独特的房产坐落在俯瞰托里塔的山丘上,占地约 0.9 英亩(3,660 平方米),将艺术、历史和现代生活融为一体。这里曾是一座历史村庄的一部分,2000 年由艺术家安娜·伊佐 (Anna Izzo) 修复,她以大胆的女权主义作品而闻名。花园装饰着引人注目的金属雕像,通向主屋,主屋的彩绘地板和定制家具反映了伊佐独特的视野,营造出露天博物馆的氛围。
该庄园提供 4 个单元的 11 间卧室,非常适合艺术住宅或私人使用。一座历史悠久的教堂专门供奉橄榄圣母,增添了魅力,可以举办小型活动。场地内有橄榄树和建造游泳池的空间。该房产位置便利,靠近便利设施,可轻松前往主要城市,对于那些寻求独一无二的住宅或酒店业务的人来说,这是一个难得的机会。
Perched on a hill overlooking Torrita, this distinctive property, set on approximately 0.9 acres (3,660 sqm), combines art, history, and modern living. Once part of a historic village, it was restored in 2000 by artist Anna Izzo, known for her bold feminist works. The garden, adorned with striking metal statues, leads to the main house, where painted floors and custom furniture reflect Izzo's unique vision, creating an open-air museum ambiance.
The estate offers 11 bedrooms across four units, ideal for an art residence or private use. A historic chapel dedicated to the Madonna dell'Olivo adds charm and could host small events like weddings. The grounds include olive trees and space to build a pool. Conveniently located near amenities, with easy access to major cities, this property is a rare opportunity for those seeking a one-of-a-kind home or hospitality venture.