菲尤兹城堡,又名普拉亚阿马雷城堡,建于 12 至 13 世纪之间,因其战略位置而作为军事建筑。它坐落在“恐龙岛”对面的一座小山上,俯瞰着广阔的大海和海岸线。
这座堡垒由那不勒斯国王下令建造,以保卫海岸免受萨拉森人和阿拉贡人的入侵。16 世纪末,当地封建领主 Matteo Cosentini d'Aieta 主教将其用作夏宫。18 世纪,封地被卖给了其他贵族家庭。20 世纪 50 年代初,Cosentini d'Aieta 家族的直系后裔重新购买了这座城堡,并决定通过优雅保守的修复使其恢复昔日的辉煌。在入口处仍可见到 Cosentini d'Aieta 侯爵的原始徽章。
建筑物呈矩形布局,两座圆柱形塔楼由宽墙连接,部分为原始建筑,装饰有阿拉伯风格的城垛。 内部采用白色水泥地板、粉刷过的墙壁和拱形天花板,配有极少的家具和装饰元素。 在 20 世纪 50 年代的翻修期间,在原始结构的基础上建造了六间卧室,每间卧室都有自己的私人浴室。 外面的花园里有一座小教堂,至今仍用于举办仪式和宗教活动。
The Castello di Fiuzzi, also known as the Praia a Mare Castle, was built between the 12th and 13th centuries as a military structure, thanks to its strategic position. It stands on a small hill facing the 'Isola di Dino,' overlooking a vast stretch of sea and coastline.
The fortress was commissioned by the King of Naples to defend the coast from Saracen and Aragonese incursions. At the end of the 16th century, Bishop Matteo Cosentini d'Aieta, the local feudal lord, used it as a summer residence. In the 18th century, the fiefdom was sold to other noble families. In the early 1950s, a direct descendant of the Cosentini d'Aieta family repurchased the castle and decided to restore it to its former glory through an elegant conservative restoration. The original coat of arms of the Cosentini d'Aieta marquises can still be seen on the entrance portal.
The structure has a rectangular layout with two cylindrical towers connected by wide walls, partially original, adorned with Arab-style battlements. Inside, the architecture features white cement floors, whitewashed walls, and vaulted ceilings, with minimal furniture and decorative elements. During the 1950s renovation, six bedrooms, each with its own private bathroom, were created from the original structure. Outside, in the garden, there is a small chapel that still hosts ceremonies and religious functions today.
The building is surrounded by over one hectare of typical Mediterranean vegetation and tall cypress trees.