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德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594
房屋价格: 咨询房产价格
土地面积: 65608平方米
房型: 4 卧 5 卫
房龄(年): 295


The former hilltop castle was first mentioned in documents as early as 1314. The keep still exists from the medieval period, and the castle was built in its current form and design from around 1730. The Thurn und Taxis family then bought the castle property in 1837. The castle was used by the family as a hunting lodge and then passed into the possession of the current owners in 2008, who extensively and skilfully renovated the property. In 2009, Schloss Haus was honored with the Monument Protection Award. The castle consists of an imposing four-winged complex centered around a 700 m² courtyard.
You reach the courtyard through a mighty gate at the end of the private driveway. The impressive main building of the castle complex closes off the courtyard to the south-west. The inner courtyard forms the atrium and is also the perfect location for parties and festive receptions. Connected to this is the north-west wing, which contains the castle chapel and the kitchen wing. The northeast wing is formed by the so-called ‘Kavaliersgebäude’, where the horse stables used to be located. The courtyard is closed off further to the southeast by a so-called ‘walkway’, which connects the cavalier building and the castle. The former wash house has been converted into a wellness and spa area with a sauna and dance studio. A summer cellar offers further potential for expansion.
The extensive castle park with approx. 6.5 hectares and impressive botany rounds off the ensemble perfectly with its old trees.
With its 34 rooms, the many high and bright rooms, some of which have bay windows, the vaulted ceilings, the original wooden floors and the many historical details, the castle naturally has a very special and unique atmosphere.
A wide variety of living concepts can be realised very well in the castle - as a family residence, living and working in a prestigious ambiance, as an event location or studio and exhibition space - the possibilities offered by the location, the flair, and the available space are numerous. Country living at its best can be immediately felt and experienced here in a prestigious and traditional romantic castle complex.
In addition to the castle, there is the possibility of acquiring further areas and buildings:
1. property 6386 Open spaces
2. property 6387 Mill
3. property 6389 Elizenhof, renovation property, inn with outbuildings and an area of approx. 9,000 m²
4. property 6390, equalisation areas
Please contact us separately if you are interested in individual optional property extensions or as a complete package.


  • 房产总价:
  • 参考首付
  • 贷款金额
  • 支付利息:111万(利率4.8%)





*以上信息为澳洲各州平均情况,了解更多贷款详情可咨询 400-041-7515


德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594 德国BavariaThalmässing的独栋别墅,编号76584594



支持语言: 英语
服务代表: Amei Schlagintweit


房地产中介费 约为买价的7%
不动产购置税 买价的3.5%(柏林和汉堡地区为:4.5%)
公证地产费用 约1%-2%,通常是买价的1.5%
土地注册费 买价的0.5%左右,但多数情况下包含在公证地产费用中
贷款额度 35%-40%
贷款利率 十年定息贷款3.5-3.7%,二十年的4.2-4.5%,五年的不到3%。
贷款期限 30年
贷款原则 单身至少每月有1800欧元的税后收入,夫妻至少每月有3100欧元的税后收入(柏林)
贷款首付 首付一般为40%到50%,根据客户不同的资质的收入,也可以达到30%的首付
物业税 0.35%(适用于多户住宅以及个人占有公寓房)
征税率 460%(征税率由地方政府规定。例如:汉堡540%,法兰克福460%)
所有税 若业主转卖房产时亏损,即转卖价格低于原购买价格,则业主不需要缴纳所得税。
盈利税 如果以私人名义,包括外国人,在德国购置地产,并使用该地产10年以上则业主在转卖房产时不需要缴纳盈利税。

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