Falcon Rise 是一个精品开发项目,只有 20 个神奇的高地 - 每个都可欣赏到哈威亚湖和周围群山的壮丽、一览无余的美景。
这个特殊的地点长期以来一直是当地社区的基石,现在已准备好开启新的篇章 - 一个在纪念丰富过去的同时拥抱未来愿景的篇章。哈威亚湖酒店将被拆除,并在距离社区中心 200 米的地方重建,因此可以重新塑造土地轮廓并进行梯田化,以确保每个房主的视野永远受到保护。
一个新的城镇中心正在建立,商店、咖啡馆和企业围绕现有的社区和体育设施开业。您可以在距离 Falcon Rise 区域不到 10 分钟步行路程的地方享受徒步旅行、骑自行车、世界级钓鱼、风筝冲浪、皮划艇、高尔夫、网球、保龄球、划船和很棒的儿童游乐场。
哈威亚湖未受破坏的魅力之一在于湖边几乎没有开发。湖景房产被紧紧地抓住。目前只有 20 个可用地点,您现在的机会有限。不要错过。这是千载难逢的机会。
This Land Will Be Your Legacy.
Falcon Rise, a boutique development with just twenty magical, elevated sites - each offering outstanding, uninterrupted views of Lake Hawea and surrounding mountains.
This special site which has long been a cornerstone of the local community is now ready for a new chapter - one that honors a rich past while embracing a vision for the future. The Lake Hawea Hotel will be removed and rebuilt 200 meters closer to the community centre, so the land can be recontoured and terraced to ensure every homeowner's views are protected forever.
Lake Hawea, well known for its pristine, crystal-clear waters, and majestic mountain views, is emerging as the rising star of the Southern Lakes Region. Loved generationally for its unspoiled charm and wild vistas, it is a much desired and idyllic location for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.
A new town center is being established with shops, cafes, and businesses opening around the existing community and sports facilities. You can enjoy hiking, biking, world-class fishing, kite surfing, kayaking, golf, tennis, bowls, boating, and a great kid's playground all less than 10 minutes' walk from the Falcon Rise sections.
Part of the unspoiled charm of Lake Hawea is that there is very little development on the Lake. Properties with lake views are tightly held. With just 20 sites available, you have a limited chance now. Don't miss out. This is the opportunity of a lifetime.
*Boundary lines indicative only
*Some images are digital renders