这栋大型六或七卧室砖木结构家庭住宅于 1989 年设计并建造,质量上乘,可容纳不断壮大的大家庭,包括带独立休息室的祖父母套房。这栋住宅位于备受追捧的中心地段,位置便利,靠近一流学校,实属难得。
宽敞的厨房和用餐区位于中心位置,还有三个宽敞的起居区,为多代同堂的家庭提供独特的解决方案,让他们可以分散开来,享受私密时光和共处时光。您的家人将受益于并充分利用这个受欢迎的中心地段,靠近医院、超市、医疗设施和医生诊所,步行即可轻松抵达市中心购物区、咖啡馆和餐厅。后面约 1252 平方米的区域拥有大量成熟的果树,并提供可停放六辆汽车、房车或船只的路外停车位。千万不要错过。
This large six or seven bedroom brick and cedar family home was designed and quality-built in 1989 to accommodate a growing extended family, including a grandparents' suite with its own lounge. A rare find in this sought-after central location, conveniently situated near leading schools.
At centre stage is the spacious kitchen and dining area, along with three expansive living areas that ensure a unique solution for a multi-generational family to spread out and enjoy both privacy and time together. Your family will benefit from and take full advantage of this popular central location, close to hospital, supermarkets, medical facilities, and doctor's surgeries, with inner-city shopping, cafes, and restaurants just an easy walk away. The back 1252 sq m (more or less) section boasts an array of mature fruit trees and offers off-street parking for six cars, or the motorhome or boat. Don't miss out.