旭化成的高品质品牌---HEBEL MAISON不仅注重居住的舒适性和安全性,还具备完善的后援体制,确保租赁住宅的长期稳定运营。
这套卓越的租赁物业位于东京核心区域,是稳定回报和长期增值的理想投资选择。由旭化成住宅集团开发的HEBEL MAISON品牌,融合了居住的舒适性、安全性与强大的管理体系,确保租赁运营顺利无忧。
• 租赁需求稳定:周边有多所大学和高中,保证了长期的租赁需求。
• 一括借上系统:旭化成提供的30年一括借上(长期租赁管理)系统,有效降低空置风险,稳定租金收益。
• 投资灵活性:适合希望优化资产配置、减少税务负担或寻求稳定收入来源的投资者。
• 黄金地段:靠近西武新宿线的上石神井站和武藏关站。
o 无需换乘直达新宿,方便前往池袋、涩谷、大手町等主要商务区。
o 周边生活设施齐全,有西友、三德等超市,邻近石神井川,环境绿意盎然,非常适合散步和休闲。
• 高端设计:酒店式建筑风格,配备高品质设施:
o 自动门禁系统、电梯、包裹柜。
o 高效隔音及节能设计,提升租客居住体验。
o 地暖、智能马桶、带加热功能的浴缸等现代化便捷设施。
• 总价:4.29亿日元
o 土地价格:1.61亿日元
o 建筑价格:2.68亿日元
• 预计年租金收入:1874万日元
这是一项难得的投资机会,让国际投资者能够在东京最具潜力的租赁市场中拥有优质资产。联系我们,了解更多关于HEBEL MAISON如何符合您的投资策略的信息。
Introducing Hebel Maison: A Premium Investment Opportunity
Discover an exceptional real estate investment in a prime location, brought to you directly by the Asahi Kasei Homes Group. This property is perfect for those looking to:
Diversify their financial portfolio with stable real estate assets
Replace underperforming land investments with income-generating properties
Grow wealth through long-term, stable rental income
Optimize inheritance tax planning by converting financial assets into real estate
Prime Location
Conveniently accessible from two stations: Kamishakujii and Musashi-Seki on the Seibu Shinjuku Line
Direct access to Shinjuku without transfers
Easy connection to central Tokyo areas
Vibrant shopping district near the station, including a directly connected Seiyu and Santoku supermarkets
Surrounded by lush greenery and a peaceful environment, ideal for pet walks along the Shakujii River
Excellent Accessibility
14-minute walk from Kamishakujii Station
10-minute walk from Musashi-Seki Station
Quick access to major Tokyo stations:
19 minutes to Seibu-Shinjuku Station
24 minutes to Ikebukuro Station (with transfer at Takadanobaba)
30 minutes to Shibuya Station (with transfer at Takadanobaba)
33 minutes to Otemachi Station (with transfer at Takadanobaba)
Construction Plans:
The property offers flexible planning options with a recommended building plan that features hotel-like specifications and high-end common areas.
The plan includes several popular amenities that are attractive to potential tenants:
Auto-lock system
Shared elevator
Package delivery lockers
Wind-proof entrance
TV monitor intercom
Heated floors in living and dining areas
High sound insulation flooring
Heated toilet seats with bidet function
Bath with reheating feature
Investment Details for Recommended Building Plan:
Sale Price: ¥429 Million
Land: ¥161 Million
Building: ¥268 Million
Estimated Annual Income: Approx. ¥18,740,000
Projected Yield: Approx. 4.36%