开发商和建筑商请注意:这个 Burnside/Waverley 社区开发项目现在就在 Burnside 工业园第 14 期旁边,随时可以投入使用。这块地是 127 英亩的原始森林土地,毗邻 Burnside 工业园和新的 Sackville-Bedford-Burnside 连接线(107 号公路的延伸),毗邻威廉湖和舒贝纳卡迪运河系统。这处地产在许多方面都很特别,拥有 R-7 分区、Plus I-2 工业分区,并且市政当局准备支持发展 - 这是一个绝佳的机会。单户住宅、多单元家庭住宅、扩展生活设施、私人封闭式社区或酒店/度假村综合体,所有住宅均配备自助设施,例如医疗设施、餐饮和购物设施,这些都是可能的。积极的户外生活方式对我们的身心健康从未如此重要,而这处地产的位置非常适合支持促进这种生活方式的开发项目。该地块可直接通往步行道、自行车道、皮划艇和大自然,距离达特茅斯十字路口仅数分钟路程,该十字路口最近被指定为特殊规划区,拥有不断增长的购物、绿地和便利设施。HRM 是该国发展最快的地区之一,该物业非常适合住宅社区开发或酒店业等。卖方计划在湖边细分一小块私密区域。该物业的主要因素是其目前的位置,毗邻 Burnside 工业第 14 期和高速公路延长线连接器。认真的询问应索取信息包。免责声明:建议潜在买家就该物业寻求有关外国买家禁令的建议。该物业可能适用禁令豁免。
Attention Developers & Builders: This Burnside/ Waverley Community Development is now right next door to Phases 13 and 14 in Burnside Industrial Park and, it is ready for action. This parcel is 127 acres of pristine forested land bordering Burnside Industrial Park and the new Sackville-Bedford-Burnside connector (extension to the 107) with waterfront on Lake William and the Shubenacadie Canal system. This property is special in so many ways, with R-7 Zoning, Plus I-2 Industrial Zoning, and a municipality ready to support growth - this is a prime opportunity. Single family , Multi-Unit family homes, extended living facilities, a private gated community, or a hotel/ resort complex, all with self-supporting amenities, such as medical facilities, dining and shopping are all possibilities. There has never been a time where an active outdoor lifestyle has been so important to our physical & mental health, and this property is perfectly positioned to support a development that promotes this lifestyle. This parcel has direct connection to walking trails, biking, kayaking, nature and only minutes to Dartmouth Crossing, which has recently been designated as a special planning area with shopping, greenspaces & amenities which continue to grow. HRM is one of the fastest growing areas in the country and this property is ideal for residential community development or the hospitality industry, or more. Sellers wishes to subdivide a small privacy section near the lake (a few acres) and willing to be flexible for the potential Buyer. The MAIN FACTOR of this property now lays in its present location next to the Burnside Industrial Phase 14 and the highway extension connector. Serious inquiries should request an information package. Disclaimer: Prospective Buyers are recommended to seek advice about this property relating to the foreign buyers ban. Exemptions to the ban may apply to this property.