DV1436- Price Brown Partnership公司
这是一座令人惊艳的住宅,让您尽享舒适、豪华的起居生活。这是一座完美的住宅,适合放松娱乐,坐落在一片受保护的原始土地上,周围种满了松树。从该住宅可以欣赏松树林和地中海的乡村景色。此住宅由现在的业主也是当地著名的建筑师Lucas Marquenie设计,很有特色,设备齐全。您可以通过一条私密道路来到房子的前院,那里的停车空间很大,有20个车位。
底楼设有通道,可以前往宽敞的带顶拱形阳台,那里有充足的座位。超大露台三面围绕着房子,阳台上有宽敞的楼梯,两侧有锻铁栏杆,可通往泳池露台。该住宅中央是一个15 x 7.5米的游泳池,可以恒温并有水下照明。该住宅地理位置非常隐秘,周围被树木环绕。在阳台的正下方是一间淋浴室、独立卫生间和通往地下室的门。花园四周设有栅栏,非常安全,里面种满了许多茂密的树木和植物。该住宅还有一个漂亮的人工瀑布,坐落在房子的一侧,延伸到一个小型的观赏水池。
DV1436 – Price Brown Partnership
Finca de los tres Amigos is a stunningly beautiful property that delivers on comfort and luxury. A perfect property for entertaining it is situated within its own rustic and protected land abundant with pine trees. The property enjoys superb views over the pine forest and the countryside to the Mediterranean Sea. The house, which has numerous features and qualities, was designed by the current owner and renowned local architect, Lucas Marquenie. Access is via a private road leading to the forecourt of the house where there is parking for twenty cars.
The entrance courtyard comprises the Garden Room, the Moorish Room, 2 double guest suites and a double guest room, an apartment and the garage. The main house comprises a large entrance hall with large wooden double doors and sweeping staircase to a gallery, a further double guest suite, and 2 principal bedroom suites. On the ground floor is a spacious kitchen, high ceiling reception room, study, and circular dining room
From the ground floor there is access to a very spacious covered veranda with arches and provides plenty of seating.. The large terrace surrounds the house on three sides and a balcony with a wide sweeping staircase and wrought iron hand rails on either side leads down to the swimming pool terrace. At the centre is the 15 x 7.5 metre swimming pool which can be heated and has underwater lighting. It is privately situated and surrounded by trees. Directly under the balcony is a shower room, separate lavatory and doors to the basement. The garden is a fully fenced and secure area that contains many mature trees, and plants.. There is a lovely man-made waterfall that runs at the side of the house into a small ornamental pool
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